Due to the Andes-style translation project finishing, this has been a day of leisure. The heavy rain also meant the impossibility of stomping around pretending to be a runner. The padded socks were also in the wash. So – ha! Everything conspired against BOSTON TWENTY-OH-NINE. Instead = a heady day of going to Sainsbury’s, cooking fajitas and reading Risk: The Science of Politics and Fear.

Also the chance to lie in bed staring at the ceiling and contemplating the reasons why the ridiculously plait-haired one is staying up till 3 am with Volodya in the Kremlin talking about gaz. Maybe the gaz is just a front. They were probably listening to Smooth Criminal.


Alcohol-free Day 19 minus 2

Lapsometer screams into the red zone. End of project and 12-hour working days celebrated with G&Ts and a bottle of white wine.

Running Progress


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